Editorial Review
Editorial review policy:
Abhidhvaj Law Journal follows a very unique process for reviewing manuscripts. They are as follows :
Once the author submitted their original manuscript with aiming to publish it, the manuscript has to go through a Double Blind Peer Review Procedure. All the papers will be sent to the designated editor in the following mode:
The manuscript is submitted to the journal Editor in chief and an associate editor handle the manuscript + Senior editor +Junior editor They can call for originality (if feel necessary) Review process Decision Acceptance + with revision or Rejected.
The selection of the manuscript is subject to the editor’s discretion.
On the occasion of rejection of submission by the editor, it will be rejected from publication. If the manuscript qualifies all guidelines and review procedures by the editor it will be sent to Editorial Board for final scrutiny. Only selected/ qualified/ accepted original manuscripts will be published in the prescribed manner.
If the board members found any alterations or amendments, the author (s) will be notified by the same thread of the e-mail about the concerned amendment and only after the necessary and suggested changes are made, the submission will be published in the journal.